China's Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, will stage a series of seminars, exhibitions and public service activities as the former imperial compound turns 600 next year, its curator Wang Xudong said on Monday. In addition, a series of research publications and several film and television works will be unveiled, according to Wang. “紫禁城建成600年展”
The Forbidden City
The Forbidden City
韩熙载夜宴图卷(局部)/ 图:@故宫博物院官方微博
The Forbidden City
北宋 苏轼行书治平帖卷(局部)/ 图:@故宫博物院官方微博
The Forbidden City
“中国与凡尔赛展”,将以2014年在凡尔赛宫举办的“凡尔赛宫中的中国/十八世纪的艺术与外交”大型展览为基础,结合故宫博物院收藏的法国宫廷及传教士、使节带来的精美文物,还原更丰满、更全面的十八世纪中法两国文化和艺术盛况。而“陶瓷馆”专馆也将在武英殿重新开放,以中国陶瓷发展史为纲,展现中国陶瓷8000年延绵不断的发展历程,改陈后文物数量由原“陶瓷馆”的400件增加到1000件。 清乾隆 各种釉彩大瓶 / 图:@故宫博物院官方微博 One exhibition will present the changes in the Forbidden City based on more than 20 key years over the past 60 decades. Another exhibition on Su Shi's (1037-1101) calligraphy and painting will display the great poet's artistic attainments and personal charisma. The Ceramics Gallery will reopen at the Hall of Martial Valor, or Wuying dian, showcasing 1,000 fine pottery works to illustrate the history of China's ceramics.Based on the 2014's exhibition "China at Versailles, Art and Diplomacy in the 18th Century" at the Palace of Versailles, one exhibit highlights China and Versailles, combining gifts from the French court, missionary and diplomatic envoys collected at the Palace Museum to represent the Sino-French cultural and art exchanges during the 18th century.
此外,故宫博物院还将举办一系列学术研讨会、出版一系列研究成果、表彰一批有突出贡献的“故宫人”等。故宫博物院还将设计紫禁城建成600年纪念标志、发行紫禁城建成600年纪念券、纪念币、特种邮票。Commemorative tickets, coins and stamps will be issued as well.王旭东表示:“2019年,故宫博物院接待观众破1930万人次,明年,期待更多的观众走进故宫,一同为600岁紫禁城庆生!”